Just My Life & My Work

Posts tagged ‘intel chip’

[iOS] Mac OS M1 跑 pod install

過去使用 Intel chip 都非常順利跑 pod install,現在使用 Apple chip,就出現問題囉~

You may have encountered a bug in the Ruby interpreter or extension libraries.
Bug reports are welcome.
For details: https://www.ruby-lang.org/bugreport.html

似乎跟 Ruby ffi 有關係,好在只要進行下列指令:

  1. sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi
  2. arch -x86_64 pod install


之後 pod install 就使用 2 步驟。


Don’t forget to include the Crash Report log file under DiagnosticReports directory in bug reports
