Just My Life & My Work

[iOS] Quickblox 推播

Quickblox是個開發通訊軟體的好平台,該有的基礎已經幫我們建置完畢,我們只要在其架構上客製想要的功能即可,就能打造出像我們台灣最夯的通訊App Line囉~

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Send Push Notifications from application (via API)

It’s possible to send 2 types of push notifications:

  1. Platform based Push Notifications
  2. Universal push notifications



Platform based Push Notifications

Send Platform based push notifications (APNS) (only works for iOS mobile and Safari desktop). Platform based push notification will be delivered to specified platform only – in our case it’s iOS mobile and Safari desktop:

Send Push Notification to particular users (through their IDs)

NSString *message = @"Hello HappyMan!";
NSMutableDictionary *payload = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSMutableDictionary *aps = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[aps setObject:@"default" forKey:QBMPushMessageSoundKey];
[aps setObject:message forKey:QBMPushMessageAlertKey];
[payload setObject:aps forKey:QBMPushMessageApsKey];
QBMPushMessage *message = [[QBMPushMessage alloc] initWithPayload:payload];
// Send push to users with ids 277,300,1395
[QBRequest sendPush:pushMessage toUsers:@"277,300,1395" successBlock:^(QBResponse *response, QBMEvent *event) {
    // Successful response with event
} errorBlock:^(QBError *error) {
    // Handle error
Send push notification to a group of users (via Tags)

NSString *mesage = @"Hello HappyMan!";
NSMutableDictionary *payload = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
NSMutableDictionary *aps = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[aps setObject:@"default" forKey:QBMPushMessageSoundKey];
[aps setObject:mesage forKey:QBMPushMessageAlertKey];
[payload setObject:aps forKey:QBMPushMessageApsKey];
QBMPushMessage *message = [[QBMPushMessage alloc] initWithPayload:payload];
// Send push to groups 'man' and 'car'
[QBRequest sendPush:pushMessage toUsersWithAnyOfTheseTags:@"man,car" successBlock:^(QBResponse *response, QBMEvent *event) {
    // Successful response with event
} errorBlock:^(QBError *error) {
    // Handler error

Universal push notifications

Universal push notifications will be delivered to all possible platforms and devices for specified users. With universal push notifications there are 2 ways to send it:

  1. Just send a simple push with text only
  2. With custom parameters
Simple push with text:

// Send push to users with ids 277,300,1295
[QBRequest sendPushWithText:@"Hello HappyMan" toUsers:@"277,300,1295" successBlock:^(QBResponse *response, QBMEvent *event) {
    // Successful response with event    
} errorBlock:^(QBError *error) {
    // Handle error
With custom parameters:

// Send push to users with ids 277,300,1295
QBMEvent *event = [QBMEvent event];
event.notificationType = QBMNotificationTypePush;
event.usersIDs = @"277,300,129";
event.isDevelopmentEnvironment = ![QBSettings isUseProductionEnvironmentForPushNotifications];
event.type = QBMEventTypeOneShot; 
// custom params
NSMutableDictionary  *dictPush=[NSMutableDictionary  dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:@"Message received from Bob", @"message", nil];
[dictPush setObject:@"5" forKey:@"ios_badge"];
[dictPush setObject:@"mysound.wav" forKey:@"ios_sound"];
[dictPush setObject:@"234" forKey:@"user_id"];
NSError *error = nil;
NSData *sendData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:dictPush options:NSJSONWritingPrettyPrinted error:&error];
NSString *jsonString = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:sendData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
event.message = jsonString;
[QBRequest createEvent:event successBlock:^(QBResponse *response, QBMEvent *event) {
    // Successful response with event
} errorBlock:^(QBResponse *response) {
    // Handle error



參考:Quickblox – Push Notifications


這個網站採用 Akismet 服務減少垃圾留言。進一步了解 Akismet 如何處理網站訪客的留言資料
